
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Unspoken Thoughtfulness And Decency

In human relations, I believe there are certain things that go without saying. For instance, when you're sitting in a bus and you see an elderly man, or maybe a heavily pregnant lady - someone whom probably deserves a seat more than you by virtue of their condition or age -standing with much effort because there is no available seat on the bus, would you wait for someone to tell you to offer your seat to them before you do? Or should it come more naturally to you offer your seat instinctively to them the moment you see them board the bus? I'm not surprised if a big chunk of those people out there would wait to be told - if there's anyone out there with enough guts and decency to do so that is - instead of sensitively doing what is right.

Such scenario as the above if considered out of decency and selflessness, would lead you to opt for the action that breeds out of respect. Then our society would probably be a better place to live as the weak or the elderly would get the respect they deserve, without having to blushingly claim that such respect be afforded. Really, it is not something that is written as black and white, although our public transport does make it clear sometimes to give such priority. And really, it is not easy for the affected to just go and stake their claim without feeling a tinge of embarassment. After all, shouldn't respect and decency be practiced without saying?

I'm still raging from a similar experience this last couple of days. And in my case, i had once unashamedly staked my claim before, only to receive a reply, to the effect of "i didn't know you deserved it". And of late, i've been afforded the same shitty treatment again. Some people are just so full of themselves it makes me grimace. It hurts me to think that i may not feature in that person's calculation of respect and consideration of decency.

Oh well...

Here's to human decency and thoughtfulness.

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