
Monday, December 20, 2004

Another Monday: Return of The Blues.

Another Monday: Return of The Blues.

Another Monday morning. Another Monday blues. Am feeling less motivated to work today. Strange. I had done a major spring cleaning to my almost pig-sty-like workplace last Thursday and Friday, and the place is much clearer and cleaner now. Thought that I’d be more motivated to work with a cleaner workplace. Turns out it makes me feel more relaxed and lazy. I guess I work better in a disorderly place where everything is all over the place to remind me of the things that I have to do. Now that everything is kept nicely in files and folders, I become a bit clueless of what to do next. Either that, or I’m just suffering from the Monday morning blues.

I had a good weekend however. Stayed at home mostly, then did some chores which I had been wanting to do. Most interestingly, my wife and I managed to muster ourselves out of bed on Sunday morning and took a morning walk and jog at the Royal Lake Garden. It required an iron will to leave the lovely bed and blanket on only one of two mornings when I could afford morning lie-ins in a week, but in the end it was more than worth it. Heck, I am even planning to make it a permanent feature after this for the both of us. Apart from getting the chance to be alone with wifey, exercising in the morning makes me feel good throughout the day. After our morning walk, we went to the Orchid Garden nearby to get some shoots of orchids. Definitely not one of my usual weekends...:-). My father couldn’t believe that this son of his was trying out at gardening. This son who would usually catch blisters from a half hour sweeping of leaves on the house lawn. Unbelievable? Believe it! Hehe...

Was actually planning to pot the orchids yesterday. But we had promised my mum’s maid to take her out to shopping for stuffs ahead of her holiday to her hometown in Jogjakarta end of this month. By the time we got home from the shopping expedition (shopping always is an expedition for me!), we were too exhausted to even contemplate gardening. So I had to postpone putting on my gardening gloves till today.

Anyhow, I had better get to work now. The good thing about this blog is it gives me the needed inspiration for me to jumpstart my day. Usually, after writing a few paragraphs, my mind would have worked out enough for me to remember the next deadline that I have to meet. Cam dengki la pulak... :-p


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