
Sunday, April 04, 2004

My Best Friends’ Wedding and My Worst Nightmare Came True

My Best Friends’ Wedding and My Worst Nightmare Came True

Boy. It has been a while since I last wrote. Have to say that I have been rather caught up with work since my last entry. But that is not to say nothing interesting happened since. There were definitely some interesting moments in that time.

Friday, 26th March 2004

First of all, 2 of my good friends just recently got married. They held a reception at the Dewan Perdana Felda on 26th March, and a grand wedding it was. Proudly, I was given the honour by both of them to give a speech on that night. Not so surprisingly considering that I have been partly responsible in getting them together, or so I would like to think. They first fell for each other at my house when I was hosting a function, and later on, upon the request from the girl, I called the guy up and coaxed him to ask her out. I don’t think he even knows yet that I called him that night because she asked me to (so if you’re ever reading this, now you know!). He still thinks that I told him to ask her out on a hunch. Hehe.. Anyways, that was almost 15 months ago and I am kinda impressed that things have progressed this far between them. They really are a lovely and loving couple and they do belong to each other. Congrats Azahar and Abrizah!

Preparing the speech for their reception wasn’t exactly an easy task. I guess it would be easier to prepare a talk or ceramah, in which the contents would be more specific. I felt like there were too many things to say, and too short a time to deliver it. Not to mention the hungry guests’ patience, since I was to deliver the speech before dinner. Somehow, I managed to get my speech finalized on the morning of the reception itself, and managed to give a rather good delivery of it that night. My friends’ in the audience thought that the speech was rather mushy2, but hey, it’s a wedding okay, not a political party rally. I thought you were supposed to sound mushy at weddings, and paint glowing impressions of the groom and bride. I felt a great sense of relief after I was done delivering the speech, and funny enough, I felt like I wouldn’t mind doing it again. The truth be told, I had originally been rather nervous about doing it ever since I was asked to do it. I accepted at first because I felt too honored to refuse it. There were even times that I felt that I might not be up for it, and felt like maybe I should just bail out. But in the end of the day, I’m glad that I did it. In fact, I feel like I’ve become comfortable at speaking publicly in front of a big audience (there must have been around 600 – 700 guests that night) since that night.

Moral of the story: to people with stage fright like me out there. Go out and do something that you’ve never done before, or something that would go beyond your usual comfort zone. You will feel, like I have, that once you’ve gone beyond that, you will discover new frontiers of the things you could do.

Saturday, 27th March 2004

What happened over the weekend was nothing short of tragedy. Really, I only have myself to blame for what happened. Ever had a bad dream when you find yourself in an exam hall, sitting for an exam, and feeling that you’re so ill-prepared for it? Or another bad dream when you wake up late on the first day of your SPM or degree exams, and you have only half an hour before the exam begins? Well, both of that actually happened to me on this day! The exam was supposed to be an easy one, and I was supposed to be able to ace it with minimal revision. If only I had the chance to revise for it that is. I thought the exam was going to be on Sunday afternoon, and was actually only going to look into my notes on that Saturday night. Imagine my horror when a friend of mine who also sat for the exam called me up and told me that the exam was to start in half an hour. And I was just about to get comfy for an afternoon siesta! Well, the rest is history as they say. The exam was a multiple choice one, and I was Billy the Kid himself, firing away at possible answers to questions I had no clue what the answers were. Oh well…

Moral of the story: Bring dices to a multiple choice question exams. It sure makes selecting an answer easier than blindly choosing one when you have no clue what the answer is.