
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hmmm... Donuts!

I've not been feeling so great of late. My mind has been racing with millions of thoughts since Thursday morning, that whenever i close my eyes, some of those thoughts are so clear i can see them so vividly like in a dream. I wonder whether it's because of what i ate that Wednesday night: an original glazed and a half each of strawberry and hershey sprinkled Krispy Kreme donuts. It was my first ever visit to the donut outlet after hearing much hype about it. The donuts there tasted great, although a bit too sweet though even by my usual high sweet-tooth standard. It probably caused a high sugar rush in my system hence explaining this hyperactive state of mind i'm going through now.

I have been having an inexplicable craving for donuts these last couple of months you can be forgiven for thinking that i'm the one who is pregnant instead of wifey. I have been patronising all the major donut outlets in KL as a result of my craving and from my experience so far i have concluded that the best donuts can be found in the following places, ranked accordingly in terms of of my personal taste:

1. Big Apple
2. J-Co
3. Krispy Kreme
4. Dunkin Donut


I think it's time to hit my exercise bicycle...


Zana S said...

take a lot of green tea.. buang abis gula tu. kang tak pepasal kencing manis ya en khalil! :p

(dengki benonye sbb hang mkn donut tu dulu.. hahaha :P)

Izwan said...

Hehe... tu la Zana. I have been taking donuts cam makan ulam 2-3 menjak nih. Just can't have enough of it. Saybah dah tarik muka masam ngan i bape kali dah... seriously, if u haven't tried, gi pekena Big Apple donuts. Sedapnya, uih... tak tekata... :p